The basic
knowledge and skill required for home care worker and family member
resided in our circumstance deserved a discussion here. We have been
forced to learned medial treatments and home care operations in details
by looking into care worker's practice and consulting with local
hospital medical support team, and searching various sources available
in our local medical community and from internet as well. There were a
few cases, however, quite frustrated for us to know information or
practice which received can be controversial or misleading. Hardly, it
has so call standard procedure available for hired home care worker.
The basic skill and practice of care worker varies a lot depends whom
you hire from or learn from, which might complicate this issue and
possibly lead into wrong direction in the practice.
We see a need to establish a common ground to handle this wild situation. The common ground in our situation involved the following basics:
We see a need to establish a common ground to handle this wild situation. The common ground in our situation involved the following basics:
- Basic understanding of body anatomy in 3D, especially those related to the routine practice and to know why and how to perform the typical practice on the patient by visualizing into the 3D model can be very effective. Practice video reference from Youtube or otherelse can be useful as well.
- Basic understanding on equipment and tool used in the practice, and to learn how equipment, tool, tube being set up and how to check the operation condition, how to act should alarm and emergency occurred.
- Basic understanding of patient's medical history and all the nuts and bolts being implemented in the patient by medical operation.